it takes so long to get to the point. and it's harder when the wind squeezes through cracks between shingles, through insulation & batters the sheetrock in this attic apartment. i shiver & lose my train of thought. forget why I came here. sometimes the whole house lurches. outside, the rain stands sideways.
the Polish countryside is desolate and beautiful. this seaside town is just plain desolate. but the supermarket's got everything. hooray for capitalism. the flight was bumpy. two spoiled kids in the seats directly behind me alternately screaming exhilirated "wheee!!!"s or just screaming. for any reason at all. wrapping their parents about their fingers with extortionate tears. "mommy we're falling" or "no mommy the flights NOT over, we can't leave yet". the weather was the same in Glasgow. i pinned so many hopes on this trip. not so much has changed. now i lay awake a lot & think. focus on the infinite & songwriting and keeping people at work happy. from the sublime to the mundane. And every shade in between.